ICon Twitter keren

Twitter for Mac 2.0 released with a black primary and a black  3-D style secondary icon (inside Resources folder).
January 12, 2011: Twitter for Mac 2.0.1 released with a new light blue primary icon with the previous icons removed.
January 18, 2011: Twitter for Mac 2.0.2 released with a different blue colored 3-D style primary icon with the world as the background along with the  two previous primary icons remaining in the Resources folder.
At this rate, it looks like January 24, 2011 will be the release date for Twitter for Mac 2.0.3 with an option to select which icon you want to use.1 [/sarcasm]

cara membuat rekening paypal

Membuat rekening paypal sebenarnya sangat mudah
sama dengan kita mendaftar disitus-situs biasa-
seperti PTC,PPC dan sejenisnya.
Membuat rekening paypal juga gratis.
yang harus anda lakukan adalah:

1. Klik daftar!

2. pilih aja yang ditengah!

3. masukan data-data!

seperti alamat email,nama anda,nomor hp.

nomor kartu kredit kosongkan aja!

buang tanda X!

[X] Hubungkan kartu kredit saya, Supaya segera dapat berbelanja.

terus klik tulisan saya setuju buat rekening saya

tulisan warna biru berada dalam menu daftar.

setelah itu selesai sudah anda tingal masuk ke akun anda, periksa email anda!

klik disini untuk daftar

selamat mencoba

Membuat Spoiler ala Kaskus

MMenindaklanjuti request dari rekan WBC untuk menshare tips tentang membuat spoiler. Maka pada posting saya kali ini akan membahas tentang tips membuat spoiler ini. Apa itu spoiler? mungkin rekan WBC banyak yang sudah tahu. Spoiler di blog adalah sebuah tombol yang fungsinya menyembunyikan teks atau gambar di bawahnya. Contohnya adalah tombol Rekan WBC pada sidebar blog WBC. Saat diklik tombol tampilkan maka dibawahnya akan muncul kotak yang sebelumnya tersembunyi berisi textarea link-link dari rekan-rekan WBC.

Berminat ingin membuatnya? Berikut tipsnya.

Untuk Blogspot

Seperti biasa login acoount blogger Anda. kemudian masuk Tata Letak > Elemen Laman.
Pada sidebar pilih Tambah Gadget > HTML/Java Script.

Masukkan kode dibawah ini :

Floating Social Media Sharing sidebar Buttons : Facebook, twitter, GooglePlus, Digg, StumbleUpon

Now a day Twitter is one of the most popular Social networking sites in the world among Bloggers to promote their blogs or sites. There are a number of twitter widgets, scripts and plugins available to integrate Twitter with your blog.

One of the best ways to find new followers for your Twitter account is to leverage any other online profile that you might already have. If you have a website, blog or other social media account linking to your Twitter account is a great way to do this.
Here is amazing animated flying twitter bird widget code. This Plugin is java script based and it will display an animated Twitter bird that settles on different places of your blogs visible area. If a you scroll the page, the bird will fly towards the visible part and settle in a new place and it takes random paths for each flight, well that’s the beauty of this bird. When you place the cursor over the Twitter Bird "tweet this" and "follow me" links appear,through this the visitor can tweet the article or follow you.

Here we provide code for Flying Twitter Bird. So copy the code for your site or simply Click on "Add to Blogger" to automatically add Flying Twitter Bird on your blogspot blogs.

Floating Social media Buttons Code

cara memasang widget twitter blogspot

Pernakah anda melihat burung tweeter terbang pada halaman blogger? menclok ke-sana-kemari menyesuaikan pergerakan halaman blog? tampak unik dan blog pun terlihat cantik. Bagaimana caranya ya? nah pada pembahasan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan cara memasang widget twitter blogspot baik yang sifatnya diam dengan menampilkan status twitter, maupun widget burung twitter yang terbang.
Fungsi widget ini sama halnya dengan widget facebook yang sudah saya tulis sebelumnya seperti "Cara Membuat Widget Melayang Facebook Like Box". widget ini juga berguna untuk:
1. Menampilkan Status twitter anda di blog
2. Mempromosikan blog anda melalui twitter
3. Sebagai cara mempercantik blog anda.

Singkat cerita :) cara memasang widget twitter adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Masuk ke situs twitter, atau cepatnya masuk ke link berikut: https://twitter.com/about/resources/widgets. 
  2. Kemudian pilih "situs web saya".
  3. Pilih "widget profile" > pada kolom nama pengguna, isikan ID twitter anda.
  4. Anda bisa mengatur tampilan widget twitter anda melalui tab Preferensi, Tampilan dan ukuran.
  5. Setelah dirasa cukup Klik tombol "selesai & ambil kode".
  6. Ada dua pilihan yang diberikan yaitu mengambil atau copy kode scriptnya dan nantinya dipasang/paste sendiri pada gadget blog anda, atau dengan meng-klik tombol "add to blogger" yang secara otomatis nanti dituntun masuk ke gadget blog anda secara otomatis.
  7. Dari langkah 6 di atas misalkan anda memilih copy code scrpitnya cara pasang nya adalah pada langkah 8 berikut:
  8. Masuk dan log in ke akun blogspot anda.
  9. Klik tombol rancangan > tata letak
  10. Tambah gadget > HTML/JavaScript
  11. Kemudian copy kode script pada langkah 6 tadi.
  12. Simpan pekerjaan anda dan lihat hasilnya..
Sekarang bagaimana cara memasang widget burung twitter melayang di blog? caranya adalah:
  1. Ikuti langkah 8 sampai 10 pada penjelasan di atas. 
  2. Copy kode di bawah ini dan ikuti seperti langkah 11 dan 12 di atas.

Widget Twitter Terbang Di Blog burung twitter warna biru

        <script src="http://imemovaz.googlecode.com/files/tripleflap.js" type="text/javascript">
        <script type="text/javascript">
        var birdSprite="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgjODkK82dtKgg41mW5Cgd93vLdb7FyXi_agTmON57ZUSPyarCsI0YiXcRqAv8Daky6-CxUeoPz7uI2apoXZ9ANmwB-0LdJg2Io71O3sT_kXOH3aWZl3_iHbmiP5CX9ABdE8PzO0ifcobU/"; var targetElems=new Array("img","hr","table","td","div","input","textarea","button","select","ul","ol","li","h1","h2","h3","h4","p","code","object","a","b","strong","span"); var twitterAccount = "http://twitter.com/NamaTwitterAnda";var tweetThisText = "Twitter - NamaTwitterAnda http://UrlSitusAnda/";tripleflapInit();

Widget Twitter Terbang Di Blog burung twitter warna merah

        <script src="http://imemovaz.googlecode.com/files/tripleflap.js" type="text/javascript">
        <script type="text/javascript">
        var birdSprite="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEglxxrFdmq9OOntsh3HFyRNv01p4VFHMyOxpMKneP2wcXylIVKCIWVSxWMR0hNkRvkdDTCvY_mssSFxFCSsNjBX7FHdLyrusA-Dcg5TnCIgIoKuchu1343sz42IIxt62rELTwHeNhrB7dg/"; var targetElems=new Array("img","hr","table","td","div","input","textarea","button","select","ul","ol","li","h1","h2","h3","h4","p","code","object","a","b","strong","span"); var twitterAccount = "http://twitter.com/NamaTwitterAnda";var tweetThisText = "Twitter - NamaTwitterAnda http://UrlSitusAnda/";tripleflapInit();

Keterangan: tulisan yang berwarna merah, silahkan ganti dan sesuaikan dengan alamat akun twitter dan alamat situs blog anda.

How to Connect Facebook, Twitter & Blogspot

Linking your accounts helps to build your network and gain followers.

Blogger, known also as Blogspot due to the name of the host domain for free blogs, is a blogging network run by Google. Blogger, Facebook and Twitter are all useful tools for expressing yourself, and each one has its particular merits. By linking your accounts in these three sites, you can have the best of each, using them together to build your network and interact with your readers. Linking these accounts allows you to alert your followers on each site that you have posted new content as well.

Step 1

Open your Internet browser and go to a site such as TwitterFeed, HootSuite or FeedBurner that offers the service of posting an RSS feed to Twitter automatically. Sign up for an account. Select the option to add an RSS feed and type the following into the provided text field: http://blogurl.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default Replace "blogurl.blogspot.com" with your Blogger URL. Confirm that you want to add the RSS feed.

Step 2

Connect the RSS to Twitter service to your Twitter account. For TwitterFeed, select the "Twitter" option presented right after adding the RSS feed. Click the "Authenticate Twitter" button, enter your Twitter username and password and confirm that you want to allow TwitterFeed permission to post entries to your Twitter feed. For HootSuite, Click the gray "Add Stream" button at the top of the frame and select to add a Twitter account. Enter your Twitter username and password and confirm permission for HootSuite to access your account. For Feedburner, click the Blogger RSS URL you just added and select the "Publicize" tab. Click "Socialize" and select to add your Twitter feed. Enter your Twitter username and password and confirm that you want to give Feedburner access to post to your Twitter account.

Step 3

Go to Facebook. Log in to your account and search for "Twitter" in the search bar at the top of the page. In the search results, select the Twitter app. Wait for the app page to load. Click the yellow "Sign Into Twitter" button. Enter your Twitter username and password and confirm that you want to connect your Facebook account to your Twitter account. Select the option "Allow Twitter to Update Your Status on Facebook." Save this change to complete the linking of your Blogger, Twitter and Facebook accounts and have updates appear across the site

How to Add a Twitter Feed to Sidebar.php


    • 1
      Open a Web browser and go to the Twitter profile widget creator page (see Resources).
    • 2
      Type your Twitter username into the text box. Click the "Finish & Grab Code" button at the bottom of the page. Twitter creates the script you need to include on your Web page. Copy this from the text area.
    • 3
      Open the "Sidebar.php" file. Insert your cursor at the location where you want to include the Twitter feed and paste the code there.
    • 4
      Customize the code in the widget to fit your website's appearance. For example, change the "width" and "height" properties to fit the sidebar's parameters. Change "rpp" to the number of tweets you want to show in the feed. Change the "background" and "color" hexadecimal color properties to fit your color scheme. Change the "scrollbar" property to "true" to show a scrollbar in your feed.
    • 5
      Save the "Sidebar.php" file and upload it to your Web server. All of your Web pages that include this file now show your Twitter feed.

How to Add a Twitter Feed to Blogspot

Including your Twitter feed in your Blogger blog is a simple way to link your accounts, gain exposure for your tweets and acquire more followers on Twitter. Between the widgets Twitter provides and Blogger's HTML gadgets, adding Twitter to your blog requires little or no experience with HTML code. In fact, Twitter lets you set preferences, change widget colors and set specific size dimensions.


    • 1
      Navigate to Twitter.com/about and click the "Resources" link in the left column. Click the "See All Widgets" link.
    • 2
      Click "My Website" as the type of widget. This will give you a snippet of HTML that you can paste into your Blogger blog.
    • 3
      Click "Profile Widget." This is the specific widget that displays the most recent tweets from your Twitter stream.
    • 4
      Type your username into the "Settings" field. Click "Preferences" and select the number of tweets to display. Check the boxes for avatars, timestamps and hashtags if you want them to appear in your widget.
    • 5
      Click the "Appearance" link and click the color squares to choose custom colors for your widget. Twitter displays a live preview of your widget on the right. Click the "Test Settings" button at anytime to refresh the preview.
    • 6
      Click the "Dimensions" link and enter the dimensions for your widget. It is best to use dimensions that do not exceed the width of the column where you intend to install the widget on your blog.
    • 7
      Click the "Finish & Grab Code." Click the "Add to Blogger" button that appears under the code. Enter your login information for your Google account with Blogger and click the "Sign In" button.
    • 8
      Click the tab to select the blog to which you want to add your widget. If you want to change the title of your widget, you can type it into the field. Click the "Add Widget" button. Blogger will automatically direct you to the "Edit Layout" page where you can add and arrange elements on your blog.
    • 9
      Click your widget and drag it to the desired location. Click the "Save" button to publish your widget to your blog.